Apr 26, 2015

long time no see here

today ibought a kreyboard for ipad it seems interseting  ahaha
and ib went to eat hot pot with my bro it was delicious yay~ 
and the keyboard is kinda too small for me to type kind different so i trying to praxtice typing here
and recently just nothing change
and maybe will change something soon ha:)
maybe :)
summer is comming 
it becoming so hot here
itsso annoying togo outside when afternoon or late morning 
yeah and my work becomes so busy but recently taiwan has so many earthquke
so i guess my work wont be so busy cos of the earthquke
yay tomorrow have the meeting which is  not very important kind of waste mytime 

though i not doing anything important at home hahaha 
well just dont ant to go to work place it makes me feelbored and dont know nothig to do  but keep using smart phone
hahaha dont know when the keyborada battery will dead hahaha 
and i guess its nice hah maybe 
feel want to vomit now 
too full!!